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Land Rights News Northern Edition February 2018

Mar 07, 2018

Land Rights News was first printed in 1976 and is Australia's longest-running Aboriginal newspaper, telling stories from remote Aboriginal lands from across the Northern Territory.

In this edition, find out why we're pressing the Northern Territory Government to amend its Pastoral Land Legislation Amendment Bill; we consider the implications of a treaty and how the four NT land councils will progress consultations with constituents and the NTG; and we delve into why the Northern Territory is on track to achieve just one of the seven Closing the Gap targets.

Contributors include Harry Hobbs, a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, UNSW who presented a paper at the Treaty workshop; Jon Altman, research professor, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation; and Brian Stacey, a former senior public servant who worked in Indigenous Affairs in the Australian Government for over 30 years.

Senator Patrick Dodson comments on the Australian Government Options Paper, Reforms to the Native Title Act 1993 , launched at the end of November 2017; and artist and writer Chips Mackinolty recalls working on  Land Rights News for the NLC in 1988, and the difficulties that had to be overcome in the pre-digital age.

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